New Study Published: Nature is Vital to Fighting Climate Change​

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has published a paper "Natural climate solutions" that was authored by the Carbon Science team at The Nature Conservancy along with 32 scientists from 15 institutions, including TerraCarbon's Director or Technical Services, David Shoch.

The paper shows that Nature could cost-effectively deliver over 11 billion tons of climate mitigation by 2030, or more than a third of greenhouse gas emissions reductions required to prevent dangerous levels of global warming. David led the assessment of reforestation, natural forest management, and improved plantations pathways.

TerraCarbon is thrilled to work with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and its partners on this important paper. The paper affirms our conviction in the important work of our clients who are implementing natural climate solutions covering reforestation, avoided forest conversion, natural forest management, and peatland and coastal wetland restoration.


For a deeper dive into the paper, please see:


Natural Climate Solutions for the United States​